Agenda 2030 - For a life in dignity and natural abundance

The guiding idea of planetYES lies in SDG 17: »Partnerships for the goals«. The largest contribution is SDG 11: »Sustainable Cities and Communities«.

With its holistic approach planetYES contributes to all SDGs and especially to them:

planetYES sees itself as part of the international community, contributing to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 169 resulting targets. Within the framework of shared responsibility, the United Nations, governments, the private sector and civil society are called upon to make their contribution to the Agenda 2030.

For more information & click the targets on the respective SDG.

In order to promote the implementation of the SDGs, planetYES recognizes the overlap of different strategies. Development, although in countries where international standards are not or already largely adhered to, is not to be understood as separate from other fields, but includes humanitarian aid strategies, peace and security, climate change and environmental implications. The relevant cross-cutting elements include youth and gender equality; mobility and migration; sustainable energy production and technology; investment and trade; good governance, democracy, rule of law and human rights; innovation and cooperation with and from different regions; and the mobilization and use of local resources. We commit to the responsibility by including the SDGs in our project identification, development, implementation and impact assessment.

The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development builds on the Millennium Development Goals, the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, and the Monterrey Conference in 2002 and formulated 17 concrete goals based on the three dimensions of sustainable development - economy, society and environment - to focus on poverty and inequality, to respond to rising instability and crises, and to put pressure on global public goods.

The goal of the Agenda 2030 is to bring more diversity into the solution focus and into affected regions.