From Individual Desire to Global Role Model through Top Down and Bottom Up approaches.


Transformation starts with environmental and stakeholder analyses to identify regional opportunities, challenges, and priorities. Individual needs and desires of the community are evaluated via semi-structured interviews and validated questionnaires. Desk-Research in exchange with experts, strategy finding with the regional Decision Makers and integrative workshops for the community is coordinated by planetYES. The resulting vision and strategy are prepared for consolidation with existing Innovators and Early Adopters from the transforming region and the planetYES Network.


Following the analysis phase, consolidation with the direct stakeholders takes place. In exchange with a regional steering group of Decision Makers, Innovators and Early Adopters and representatives of the community the regional vision from the analysis phase is challenged and adapted. Through the consolidation, regional Decision Makers represent the Community of the region.


Within the planning phase, the concrete regional Transformation Strategy for the execution of the vision is developed. Consequently, project related regional Innovators and Early Adopters together with selected actors from the planetYES Network are brought together. Then the milestone plan including the development of target parameters with their Key Performance Indicators and the associated Impact Modelling as well as the financing framework are developed.


Implementing the transformation strategy planetYES follows a transdisiplinary, iterative prototyping approach. Accompanying workshops captures as many potentials as possible provided by regional project related actors as well as from selected actors from the planetYES Network. Steps are monitored and evaluated in order to adapt subsequent measures. Measure of the planetYES transformation are always planned under consideration of their socio-eco-eco (socio-economical-ecological) impact on the region or city. This is an important aspect since only transformations which enhance quality of life, and which are ecologically sound as well as economically successful at the same time will allow the development of prospering, sustainable and happy regions and cities – regions and cities with an Inner YES.


Through stakeholder and environmental Monitoring & Evaluation planetYES measures the impact of the defined transformation strategy on the basis of the Key Performance Indicators. Report(s) on project effectiveness are provided and a possible redefinition of the target parameters occurs in an iterative process.


Significant global impact is generated by embedding new insights, innovation and knowledge in the planetYES Network. Through the sharing of its immaterial values, each region acts as an Innovator and role model for other regions. Opening Immaterial Bridges to future planetYES Regions will enable them to create more value and thus largely support and influence their Transformation Process. This mode of action together professional communication and marketing of regions and cities which found their Inner YES (planetYES Regions, planetYES Cities)– and which are therefore livable, ecologically sustainable and economically successful - as role models for other regions enables exponential growth of the planetYES Network and its Global Impact.

The phases ANALYSIS to IMPLEMENTATION are responsible for the IMPACT UNFOLDING processes within the regions. The other two phases contribute to the GLOBAL INCREASE IN IMPACT.